


Promotor:Neyt, Xavier
Funding:MoD RSTD
Involved staff: Xavier NEYT, Charles BEUMIER, Mahamadou IDRISSA SEYNI,
Start date:01 Jan 2012
Duration:48 months
Research unit:Image Processing


The study aims first at automatically extract Digital Surface Models using very high spatial and radiometric resolution images and multiview modes. Second, these DSM will be exploited to perform change detection and produce landscape models.


  1. S. Delhay, V. Lacroix, and M Idrissa. Paradis: Gis tools for humanitarian demining. In ISCRAM 2005 Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management Conference, April 2005.
  2. V. Lacroix, M. Idrissa, A. Hincq, H. Bruynseels, and O. Swartenbroekx. Spot5 pour la télédétection d'urbanisation. In Revue Française de Photogramétrie et de Télédétection, 2005.
  3. S. Lambot, I. van den Bosch, B. Stockbroeckx, P. Druyts, M. Vanclooster, and E. C. Slob. Frequency dependence of the soil dielectric properties derived from ground-penetrating radar signal inversion. Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications, 6(1):73-87, January 2005.