Royal Military Academy
Brussels --- Belgium

URSI Benelux Forum 2017

From EM waves to information

Thursday February 16th 2017, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium

Technical Program

09h30Registration and Poster Setup
10h00Welcome and Introduction
10h05 Bart Scheers (Royal Military Academy)
 Internet of Things and the road to 5G
10h35 Ilja Ocket (KU Leuven)
 Microwaves for Life Science: opportunities and challenges
11h05Coffee Break
11h20 Laurent Jacques (UCL)
 A short introduction to compressive sensing, its applications and relatives
11h50Borge Torvik (FFI)
 Target recognition of small and slow air targets in future long range air defence radar
12h20Standing Lunch
13h20Mark Bentum (University of Twente)
 The Search for Exoplanets using Ultra-long Wavelength Radio Astronomy
13h50Marion Matters-Kammerer (Technical University of Eindhoven)
 Millimeter-wave and terahertz systems: How optics and electronics come closer
14h20Poster Session
16h00Best poster award ceremony
16h20Closing words and farewell

Av de la Renaissancelaan 30, B-1000 Brussels, tel: +32 (0)2 441 3874