

What is the concept of this new website?

The goal is to present our (research) activities to the outside world. The academic activities are already presented on the RMA website.

One of the key issues is keeping the information up to date. It was opted for automatic updating. To that end, most of the information in the website is actually comming from other sources that are guaranteed to be up-to-date. B3MS is the de-facto source for all (patrimony) projects and since (in principle) no project may be started without being in B3MS, that information is guaranteed to be up-to-date. The RMA website is the source for the list of staff members, being updated by the POC-TO of our departement. Publications are collected indirectly via Mendeley that provides and extremely convenient way to perform bibliography management in ones papers and hence provides a very strong and non-nonsense incentive to create the bibliography. The required bibtex files can be automatically generated on-the-fly by Mendeley.

My name / title / position / picture /… is not correct

This information is drawn from the RMA website. You can modify this information on the main RMA website. If necessary, you can ask help from our POC-TO Anne Lieffrig.

This information is updated every day at 7AM.

I am not happy with the description (or any other detail) of project XYZ

This information is drawn from B3MS. The promotor of the project can modify this description on the B3MS website.

This information is updated daily.

Some of my publications are missing

A .bib file in bibtex format should be put in the directory ssh:// (or simply /usr/local/labo/bib/ for those using the opportunistic cluster).

You can easily build such a file using Mendeley.

To permit indexing of the publication by Google Scholar, you should provide a link to the searchable (i.e. not scanned) PDF file of the article in the tag “url” (is easily done using Mendeley).

To have a publication listed in a research unit, it must have a tag in the form “RMA-CISS-XYZ”, where XYZ is the acronym of the research unit. Please see the acronyms of the research units in the link to the description of the research units. If, typically for very old papers, you do not want to assign it to a research unit but still want it to appear in the global list of publications, you should provide the tag “RMA-CISS-“.

To have a publication listed in a project, it must have a tag in the form “ZPQ” where “ZPQ” is the name of the project as known by B3MS (remove spaces and / ).

This information is updated once per day.