3D_RMA : 3D database

0. Distribution restrictions

1. 3D acquisition

2. 3D Database

3. 3D format

4. Download

5. M2VTS

0. Distribution restrictions

The use of the "3D_RMA" database recorded at the SIC is restricted to research purposes. The (re-)distribution of the database - or part of it - either in original form or modified is allowed only with the written permission of the concerned perons of the database. However, any know-how gained thanks to the database may be freely used and transmitted.

SIC distributes the database subject to the acceptance of the above conditions. By reception of the signed agreement, SIC will give access to the files for download (tar.gz 13MB).

1. 3D acquisition

In the framework of our face recognition activities, we developed at the SIC, a 3D acquisition system based on structured light. With a projector and a camera, the facial surface is acquired as a set of 3D coordinates. The quality and precision seems sufficient for this first prototype. However, glasses and bushy or dark facial hair impair the acquisition.

2. 3D Database

120 persons were asked to pose twice in front of the system: in Nov 97 (session1) and in January 98 (session2). For each session, 3 shots were recorded with different (but limited) orientations of the head: straight forward / Left or Right / Upward or downard.

Among the 120 people, two thirds consist of students from the same ethnic origins and with nearly the same age. The last third consists of people of the academy, all aged between 20 and 60.

Different problems encountered in the cooperative scenario were taken into account. People sometimes worn their spectacles, sometimes didn't. Beards and moustaches were represented. Some people smiled in some shots. Small up/down and left/right rotations of the head were requested. We regret that only a few (14) women were available.

3. 3D format

Each 3D file, with extension '.xyz', is organized as a set of 3D points along stripes. Each stripe starts with a short integer indicating the number N of points in the stripe. Then N triplets of short (signed 2-byte) integer give the point coordinates. The resolution is 0.1 mm per unit. All short values are stored binary.

Ex: 2 x y z x y z 3 x y z x y z x y z 2 x y z x y z

The head is scanned (stripe order) from chin to forehead (increasing x) and the stripes are scanned left to right (increasing y). Do mention that for technical reasons, the camera/projector head was rotated about 40°, so that the X and Y axis do not correspond to respectively the vertical and horizontal axis anymore.

See readXYZ.c for a read function in C.

4. Download

Click here to download the 3D database (13.4 Mb) in gzipped tar file.

5. M2VTS

This database has been acquired in the framework of the M2VTS project.


Signal and Image Centre (SIC) - Elec Dpt
Royal Military Academy of Belgium
30, avenue de la Renaissance
1000 Brussels (Belgium)

Face recognition: Charles Beumier (beumier@elec.rma.ac.be) +32 2 742 66 67
Fax +32 2 742 64 72